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Györffy István - Classical Harmony

Györffy István

Classical Harmony


5695 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7990 Ft

Szállítás: 2-3 munkanap

Kiadó: Rózsavölgyi És Társa

Év: 2022

Classical Harmony - Györffy István

Harmony is one of the most important elements of teaching classical music: it helps to train hearing, understand the harmonic logic of music, and overview the basic rules of voice-leading. Many have reservations about it, but roots of this lie less in the subject itself, and more in its persentation: studying harmony often becomes a boring series of rigid classroom exercises. This book, whose primary target are students of music at the secondary level, avoids this mistake with virtuosity. ..

Györffy István ZENEI KÖNYVEK Rózsavölgyi És Társa

Györffy István - Classical Harmony
Formátum könyv
Kiadó Rózsavölgyi És Társa
Év 2022
Katalógusszám (ISBN) 9786155062575
Online ár 5695 Ft
Eredeti ár 7990 Ft
Online kedvezmény 30%
Szállítás 2-3 munkanap
... ...

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